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Comunicare Strategică – Ghid pentru combaterea dezinformării

Combaterea dezinformării este cu certitudine o preocupare la nivel internațional organizațiile internaționale fie cu vocație universală fie de integrare încercând să dezvolte să promoveze și să integreze în activitatea lor metode de bune practici în combaterea dezinformării. Ele sunt de cele mai multe ori legate de politicile de comunicare strategică, StratCom, dar și de politicile educaționale și alte tipuri de politici care pot contribui prin activitatea lor la combaterea dezinformării. Acest subiect l-am abordat pe larg și poate fi regăsit în volumul Redefining European Security in a Post COVID-19 World apărută la editura L’Harmattan  în 2023.

Ghidul este construit pentru a servi instituțiilor locale în definirea unei strategii pentru combaterea dezinformării. 

Mihaela Daciana Natea, Maria Costea, Simion Costea
EU Security and Multicultural Societies Dealing with a Russian Empire Revival

This book is an insightful analysis, delving into the array of security challenges faced by the EU and its Eastern neighbors in the context of the revival of Russian imperialism. The book addresses instances of Russian aggression, economic impediments, social intricacies, challenges associated with multiethnic communities, the prevalence of oligarchic systems, and the European aspirations of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, and Georgia. The book audaciously proposes realistic solutions to such complex issues.

How do we define resilience in the context of security? How do we build resilience? What is disinformation and how is it being used by Russia in Eastern Europe? Is it a new phenomenon or a continuation of an old one with roots in the sovietization process? Are the education policies regarding democracy helping to build resilience? Are the research programmes of the EU targeting the right key areas for increasing resilience? These are the main inquiries that the book addresses. While looking in the past and linking it to the present, the research covers the synergies between security, resilience, disinformation, education and research, and offers solutions for building resilience and combating disinformation through education.


Disinformation Crossing Borders.
The Multilayered Disinformation Concerning the War in Ukraine

The present volume is published with the support of the European Union and represents a deliverable within the EU project Jean Monnet Center of Excellence is European Security and Disinformation in Multicultural Societies – no. 101047907 – ESDMS, Erasmus+. The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the authors.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Mihaela Daciana Natea, Is the EU Strategic Communication Good Enough? Why does the War in Ukraine Prove the Need for a More Complex Approach Towards Disinformation?

Hedi Saidi, La Laïcité Est-Elle Opposée A La Religion ? Comment Se Former A La Laïcité?

Chrysotea Basia, Radu Carp, National Minorities in the Odessa Oblast: a Model of Coexistence or Tensions Ahead?

Lucian Săcălean, A Romanian-Hungarian Multiethnic Communitie – Reactions to Newcomers. Case Study – Ukrainian Refugees

Monica Săplăcan, Psychological Factors of the Response to the Ukrainian Crisis – Multi-Ethnic Community and Ukrainian Refugees

Gabriela Goudenhooft, Free Speech, Hate Speech and the Security of the European Union

Marius Dumitru Crăciun, Information and Disinformation in the Ukrainian War

Ploeșteanu Nicolae; Raul Miron, Dissolutions and Assumptions Close to Fake News Over Evidence Suggesting War Crimes in Ukraine. Case Study: Amnesty International Report

Oana Olariu, Raul Felix Hodos, Raluca Onufreiciuc, Deepfake as Political Weapon. Local Representatives Becoming Targets as Well

Daniel-Mihail Șandru, The Principles and Procedures of Personal Data Protection Used in Combating Disinformation

Nicolae Ploeșteanu, Raul Miron, Can the International Criminal Court be Used as a Source of Fake News?

Adrian Boantă, Fake News and the Act of Justice

Veronica Zaharagiu, Propaganda, Between Literature and Ideology

Mohsen Neffati, Histoire Et Mémoire. Les Chemins de la Transmission?